Tips On How To Pet A Tiger

By Alta Alexander

People consider the tiger to be a big cat, this is literary the case because they share the same family with the house cat. On the other end, some even harbor the thought of taming the wild cat since they consider the normal house cat to be a pretty little creature; they also expect pet a tiger and have it behave in the same manner.

The tiger is a very intelligent animal and its more intelligent than both the domestic cat and dog which are our common pets. Its intelligence tends to work to its own advantage in nature and if this intelligence is enhanced and taped at an early age the big cats can be trained to follow commands just like all the other domestic pets we commonly know but with a greater amount of strength.

The animal as a pet is also considered to be very good in enhancing security in homestead just like the common guard dogs. This is because the tiger is a highly territorial animal and in this case any creature that crosses into its territory is considered competition; this combined with its size and strength makes it a killing machine.

When they have been taken in as pets they never lose their killer instinct since this instinct is something that they were born with and they cannot change it instead they only minimize it since they do not have to use it to hunt or survive because their needs have been catered for in captivity.

By nature tigers are loners, they do not really need companions. This loner trait is not only observed in the wild but also when the tiger has been brought in as a pet; this is seen when another animal is brought in for them as company. They fight and eventually kills them and at times they even kill animals they once played with while they were little. Tigers only come into contact with other tigers only when mating or fighting for territory.

At whatever age they may be, be it a cub to an alpha male, their maintenance is costly, it is expensive because the cat does not eat regular cat food neither does it thrive on little meat, so the pet owner must be able to maintain a constant healthy diet for the tiger to be in optimum shape and sound health.

Tigers are known to only trust one or two people in their life time and in case the persons are not available they cannot trust anyone else. In instances where the trusted person had to leave or died, they are reported to have starved to death as they ignored the food brought by other non trusted persons.

By nature tigers are huge, stealth and ruthless and in case it is realized back into the wild without training on how to hunt the tigers are known to start hunting humans since we form an easy target to them which is a surviving factors that the animal kingdom are known to adopt for the survival of their species.

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