The Main Features Of Colt 1911 Customization

By Phyllis Schroeder

Personality and style definitions exist in guns too. If a gun does not fit the style or personality the owner aspires it to, they can have it changed. The requirement shall be that the owner has a clear image of such a version. Experts whose speciality is colt 1911 customization are numerous. These professionals may remodel the weapon as along as changes maintain safety and feasibility.

Most clients opt to adapt changes to their guns based on targeting, carrying, personal defence, plinking, war, hunting, collection, presentation or simply adoration. Customization of firearms revolves around three basic premises. These are beautification, reliability and accuracy. The best gunsmiths aspire to find a perfect balance between these three. Where firearms and their basic intentions are concerned, form needs to follow function otherwise form is pointless.

The United States Army and Air Force were the first institutions to commission modification of the colt 1911. The objective was better performance for their teams in competitions. All other workings stem from these initial attempts at making it extra accurate and reliable. This rests on two prongs. First is making the firearm accurate and second making it shooter friendly. An accurate firearm that is hard for the shooter to operate will not meet its potential while in that shooter hands. Customizing needs to address such a problem.

The activity is two pronged. First is making a firearm accurate while making it friendly in the hands of a shooter comes second. If an accurate gun is hard for its shooter to make a shot with then it will not give peak performance for such a shooter. Addressing this kind of problem is what customization is about. Guns are required to have sights that allow good and repeatable picture sights. The trigger pull has to be light. The reason is that heavy trigger pull moves sight jumps from targets on squeezing of the trigger. The firearms ergonomics must not be painful or increase shooter fatigue with consequential shooting.

Addition of accessories appearing on various media and magazines is usually feasible within the process of customization. Two categories feature here. It is either integrated to the firearm or an extension. Examples include rubber grips added on and gun stippling or checkering. A challenge to this is that an accentuated grip may impede shooting for small-handed shooters.

Getting mechanical accuracy is a much easier concept for the gunsmiths. With the sole objective of making a gun function properly, a gunsmith has to make the firearm make a shot from the same place mechanically each time the shooter squeezes the trigger. If the barrel is undamaged, attaining accuracy becomes the least complicated area here. In time, high quality sights have evolved; better triggers have come up as well as superior lock up barrel systems. Most of these have trickled down to the current carry guns, which are versions of the customized full size 1911.

Accuracy, at its most basic form, refers to the performance of the same thing every time. Making a gun accurate means it does this leaving any anomalies in the hands of the shooter. Having achieved this, the challenge proceeds to ensuring a shooter perfects their shooting to an art.

The customization industry has drastically changed based not on revolution but on evolution. New alloys, new CNC machines, better optics, finishes and electronics have all brought changes to the manner things are done. A popular form of restyling centres around finishing. Digitized colours and finishes such as desert sand digital camouflage allows the firearm to blend into the terrain. However, the military still lead where customization is concerned. This is because combat does not allow taking any chances.

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