Buy Non GMO Seeds Online For Food Purity

By Karina Frost

Gardeners are close to nature. They love the never-gets-old miracle of a tiny seed growing into a sturdy plant. Organic gardeners enrich the soil and find ways to avoid chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides. They try hard to protect living things that surround a garden - soil organisms, bees and butterflies and other beneficial insects, earthworms, and birds. They, especially, value being able to buy non GMO seeds online.

Many people don't know a lot about genetic modification. Actually, this technology is so new that there is not a lot of research on it. Those who want to wait until its benefits and safety are proven may choose to avoid foods that contain altered DNA. DNA is what makes living things reproduce after their kind, as the Bible says. DNA is contained in the seed of a plant, so planting a genetically-modified seed will produce a plant with inescapable attributes that are not natural.

A lot of publicity about genetically-modified crops says that greater yields are possible with this technology and indeed are the main goal. However, those who oppose the contamination of the environment with non-natural organisms believe the real goal is making money. For example, modified soybeans can withstand a much greater herbicide application. Not only do the large companies make money from the sale of altered seeds, they also profit from higher sales of pesticides.

The proponents of a 'green' policy are remarkably silent on this topic. It makes many wonder how much money they receive from the producers of pesticides, the very thing that started the movement in the first place. People came to realize that random spraying for mosquitoes and drenching fields with chemicals was poisoning the air, water, and soil. Birds and fish were dying, frogs were mutating, and people near manufacturing plants were getting sick.

America is one of the few places that has embraced GMO technology. The European Common Market has banned it, as well as the use of systemic pesticides which become part of the plant they are applied to. Although the research is not 'definitive' as yet, Europe has seen a return of healthy bee populations. A word to the wise: check what you spray on your roses if you want butterflies in your garden.

Concerned consumers should support the small operations that sell heirloom or organic seed that is not altered. Since GMOs are patented products, most catalog-sale companies don't market modified seed either. However, unless there is an organic label or heirloom guarantee, consumers must ask before assuming anything. Ask customer service before buying.

All of us love volunteer plants that come back year after year in established gardens. Some gardeners have cherry tomatoes that their grandfathers planted; sweet potatoes endure for generations when soil conditions are right. With GMOs, saving seed or having it lie dormant over the winter and then sprout is impossible. This, of course, gives the technology owners great control over the world's food supply.

Organic seed is never genetically-modified - at least until the definition is changed. Heirloom seed will not be altered. If there is no organic or heirloom designation, you will have to look for claims that the seed doesn't contain alien genes or ask the question before you buy.

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